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Messages posté(e)s par phabyem

  1. le setup anonymous a changé

    c'est comme ca que ca se passe maintenant

    To manage FTP security settings, tick any of the following and click OK:

    Change the selected users' root to user home: Click Select User to restrict the selected users’ FTP access

    to their home folders only.

    Enable Anonymous FTP: Allow anyone to log in to DiskStation's FTP service (with the anonymous or ftp

    account). You can also tick Change Anonymous root and select a shared folder to restrict anonymous users’

    FTP access to that folder only.

    More Information

    To configure the privilege of anonymous user:

    1 Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > Shared Folder, select a shared folder, and click Privileges Setup.

    2 Choose System internal user from the drop-down menu and tick the checkboxes.

    3 Click OK.

    page 68

    pour moi c'est validé

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