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Tout ce qui a été posté par garrisson

  1. Peut-être on pourrait t'aider? Si tu dit quoi tu veut changer on pourrait partager le travail...
  2. Je pense que teebo ne travaille plus au ce projet...
  3. Pardon, mon francais n'est pas si bien . Je vais l'essayer une fois de plus: Est-ce que ce projet est encore en cours d'élaboration? Ou inactif? J'éspère que vous me comprenez mieux maintenant
  4. teebo, quel qu'un developement? Ou est ce projet inactive?
  5. Ehm, est-ce que theebe develope ce projet activement? Je ne le sais pas, mais si non, nous pouvons le developer nous-memes(moi, j'ai fait und plugin pour streaming et mobile page, shampra a fait la chose avec thetvdb et nouveaux design etc..). Parce-que je pense que tout le monde attend a theebo mais il ne dit rien/il n'est jamais ici.(pardo theebo si ca n'est pas le cas ).
  6. As-tus fini l'API pour thetvdb? Parce que je pense que theebo n'a pas fini so script? PS:est-ce qu'est ca la videostation sur ton image?
  7. Plex: no stable version for arm. Its an media server software. No full functionality with low-end cpus. Videostation: list files on nas with some additional information, leightweight because only webserver needed. So you see, for plex you'll need always a client. For videostation only a browser.
  8. Tu pourrais effacer la base mysql.(seulement tables videos et series)
  9. Tu pourrais faire une complete reindexation et utiliser TMDb pour les films. J'ai au tous les films un image, aussi aux series. @teebo: it would be great to finish thetvdb-api to get episode pictures and season banners therefrom. They are much more specific than the ones from allocine. Further I would appreciate to get the pictures automatically downloaded(as the movie posters). PS:I made a mobile version of videostation, based on jquery mobile. If you're intrested to integrate this into your main script, please send me a personal message(you can write in French, I do understand it quite well, but I write better English than French ).
  10. Merci pour cette solution PS: pardon@ Tulut j'ai écrit de travers avec le dernier nombre :/
  11. Est-ce que tu utilise login par https au diskstation? https://diskstation:5005?
  12. pardon pour mon mauvais francais, ma langue maternelle est allemand. Je ne comprends pas le mot "ko". Ca veut dire "ok" ou "ne marche pas"? Pourquoi as-tu accedé la base de donée via phpMyAdmin? =>Edit: ouvrir pur l'access d'exterieur? je ne le fais pas et je ne le recommande pas, mais on peut. je pense que c'est pas necessaire pour un NAS(=>utilisage seulement locale parce que ta ligne d'internet n'est pas si rapide). mais comme j'ai deja dit, on peut ouvrir les ports pour avoir acces de l'exterieur. dans ce cas je recommande de utilisire des tres bons mot de passe.
  13. Chez ton ami: As tus login avec user admin du diskstation? Tu pourrais creer un nouveau account sur la diskstation sans mot de passe et tester avec cela. EDIT1: -tu as les repertoires que tu as defini a la page d'administration. la on peut faire des subfolders(videostation reconnaisse ceux automatiquement). -tu dois creer un nouveau utilisateur pour ta diskstation(seulment un user, pas admin).Il ne peut pas voir les infos d'admin, seulment voir les infos des films et download. EDIT2: -1.0-009 est la derniere version.
  14. I don't know that much about js, but for those who need a very basic(!) workaround is the following a solution. It will not recover all functions, but at least the mouseover effect works again. Remove all "_" in the jquery.ui.popup.js Or copy this an create a new jquery.ui.popup.js:
  15. Si tu lis les derniers trois posts tu sais que ca n'est pas normal
  16. Je ne sais pas aussi.. Probablement ca: The only thing that has changed is http://code.jquery.c...uery-ui-git.js (->/*! jQuery UI - v1.9.0pre - 2012-06-15) It is a git version, so its always up to date(also pre/beta versions). Its not recommended for production use. So I think this is the problem. But I didn't succeed to solve the problem with replacing it by older versions(1.8.x or 1.7.x). So I don't know the reason of this bug(and I don't know that much about javascript to solve the problem myself).
  17. I don't know, whether I'm the only one with this problem, but it seems that there is a problem with the js(jquery.ui.popup.js). All the js functions don't work anymore(no popup, no mouseover effects, dropdown menu not opening). i tried a completete reinstall of videostation but didn't help either. Do you have those problems too?
  18. Bonjour J'ecris en anglais, parce que je suis suisse et ma langue maternelle est allemand. donc, mon francais n'est pas si bien . So, first thanks a lot for this script. 1. Design Download the banner of the series to the nas. it will load the pages faster. Create thumbs of episodes of series will give it a nicer look(now you got 24 times the same image). You could use this The only thing needed is php with gd support. 2. Bugs: It's not really a bug, but have a look at this screenshot: I think you can see the problem. Why don't let you the name of the moviefile away(the name on the top of the poster) and try to get all images in the same size? 3. Ajout de fonctionnalités : I made a German translation for your script, I hope you will use it : I made a script to stream movies directly from the NAS(without downloading it or pasting the link to VLC). Script source is here: . It's working with windows media player, so you need the windows media player plugin to play the movies as stream(=>I prefer other player than WMP, but as long as flash players don't support avi and mkv files, this seems to be the best solution). If possible: Some kind of intelligent arranging: So, if you got "Lord of the Rings 1", "lord of the Rings 2", "Lord of the Rings 3" for example, it should make some kind of "folder-structure" and put it together to "Lord of the Rings" or Lord of the Rings Collection etc. I know, that I could make a folder myself and move those movies into the folder. But what I would like to have, is that it shows you a preview picture(cover from one of the movies) and if you click on it, the three movies are shown. Other options to list the movies. So, for example, a list without the posters, where you can sort it alphabetically, by genre or whatever. I think that's it so far, probably I get some other ideas later
  19. Hello I'm just new here, and I do speak some bit French, so I do understand you all but to write my self in French humm .(=>I'm from Switzerland ). So, I just found today this wounderfull App. So I too made some small improvements with language. I translatet the lang-file into German: case 'de': define('sortby','Sortieren nach...'); define('name','Titel'); define('original_name', 'Orig. Titel'); define('year','Jahr'); define('note','Score'); define('display','Nach Genre ordnen'); define('genre','Genre'); define('home','Home'); define('research','Research'); define('files','Datei(en)'); define('folders','Ordner'); define('pagegeneration','Seitenaufbau :'); define('loading','Laden'); define('details','Informationen'); define('update','Update'); define('link', 'Link'); define('infos', 'Infos'); define('length','Länge'); define('votes','Votes'); define('country','Länder'); define('genres','Genres'); define('director','Regisseure'); define('actors','Schauspieler'); define('synopsis','Zusammenfassung'); define('trailer','Trailer'); define('season','Staffel'); define('episode','Episode'); define('nbepisode','Anzahll Episoden'); define('administration','Admnistration'); define('basicparameters','Basiseinstellungen'); define('nonindexedvideos','Nicht indexierte Videos'); define('wrongindexedvideos','Falsch indexierte Videos'); define('donate','Spenden'); define('donatetext','Gefällt dir die App? Zahl dem Ersteller ein Bier <br>Danke!'); define('appname','Application name'); define('version', 'Version'); define('login','Login'); define('secureconnexion', 'https Verbindung'); define('modal','Modal windows'); define('ftp','FTP'); define('autoindexing','Auto-indexing'); define('dbmovies','Film-Datenbank'); define('dbseries','Serien-Datenbank'); define('lang','Sprache'); define('sqlpass','MySQL-Paswwort'); define('dbsql','MySQL-Datenbank'); define('confport','Diskstation Port'); define('seriesdir','Serien-Ordner'); define('videoext','Video-Extensions'); define('hidden_files','versteckte Dateien/Ordner'); define('deleted_words','zu löschende Wörter'); define('username','Username'); define('password','Passwort'); define('rememberme','Speichern'); define('indexing','Indexing...'); define('warning1','Diese Änderung wird Ihre Datenbank löschen.'); define('warning2','Bitte als Administrator einloggen'); break; =>Needs to be inserted into lang.php (but I think you know this ) Further I implemented the Germen part of Allocine: To get this part working, just change this part of API-allocine.php private function url_site($lang){ switch($lang){ case 'fr': return ''; break; case 'en': return ''; break; } } to private function url_site($lang){ switch($lang){ case 'fr': return ''; break; case 'en': return ''; break; case 'de': return ''; break; } } So, now you get the German information for all your files Hint: themoviedb will change automaticly to German if the language in de conf.php file is set to "de". To be able to change the language to German in your admin area you ned to change to following in admin.php: <td><?php echo lang;?></td><td> <select name="lang"> <option value="fr" <?php if($LANGUAGE == 'fr') echo 'selected';?>>Francais</option> <option value="en" <?php if($LANGUAGE == 'en') echo 'selected';?>>English</option> </select> </td> to <td><?php echo lang;?></td><td> <select name="lang"> <option value="fr" <?php if($LANGUAGE == 'fr') echo 'selected';?>>Francais</option> <option value="en" <?php if($LANGUAGE == 'en') echo 'selected';?>>English</option> <option value="de" <?php if($LANGUAGE == 'de') echo 'selected';?>>Deutsch</option> </select> </td> So, thats all you need to change, I hope this will be included in the next release Best regards garrisson
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