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Crash Plan, Et Tol



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Le RAID est logiciel ! Donc propriétaire Synology...


Je voudrais rectifier ce point car ce n'est pas tout a fait ca voici un extrait du wiki de synology:

Is using the SHR required?

No, it is not necessary to use the SHR, and it's not proprietary. The SHR is based on a Linux RAID management system, and is completely optional to use. Using Classic RAID-levels is available for those users and administrators who understand the finer points of RAID technology and want the manage the RAID volume manually. At the time this article was written, with Synology DSM 3.0 - the following manual RAID levels are available:

De même que le SHR qui est en fait une couche de "management" pour faciliter la vie de l'utilisateur


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Je voudrais rectifier ce point car ce n'est pas tout a fait ca voici un extrait du wiki de synology:

Is using the SHR required?

No, it is not necessary to use the SHR, and it's not proprietary. The SHR is based on a Linux RAID management system, and is completely optional to use. Using Classic RAID-levels is available for those users and administrators who understand the finer points of RAID technology and want the manage the RAID volume manually. At the time this article was written, with Synology DSM 3.0 - the following manual RAID levels are available:

De m

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