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Enable Telnet


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Nom du fichier: Enable Telnet

Auteur du fichier: rodo37

Fichier soumis: 1 Oct 2007

Catégorie de fichier: Firmwares

Before Applying This Patch:

The Telnet patch allows users to enable Telnet service on Synology Product, and disable in a later time if wished. They are designed for users who possess very good knowledge of Linux and Telnet. With this add-on, users will be able to integrate 3rd party software/applications into Synology Product.

However, please be aware before applying this patch that any improper manipulation or modification on your Synology Product may result in machine malfunction.

Users may visit the following link from Synology Online Community Forum for more related discussion:

Applied models:

* Disk Station Series: DS207+, DS207, DS107+, DS107, DS107e, DS-106, DS-106e, DS-106j, DS-101j

* Cube Station Series: CS407, CS407e, CS-406, CS-406e

* Rack Station Series: RS407, RS-406

To Enable Telnet:

1. Upgrade your Synology Product to firmware versions: v2.0.3 – 0462 or above

2. Download the file “”

3. Unzip it to have “EnalbeTelnet.pat”

4. Go to “System > Firmware Upgrade” page in the web management interface to apply the patch

To Disable Telnet:

1. Download the file “”

2. Unzip it to have “DisalbeTelnet.pat”

3. Go to “System > Firmware Upgrade” page in the web management interface to apply the patch

Additional Notes:

1. Port of Telnet service: 23; login account: "root", password: the same password of Admin

2. Once Telnet is enabled in your Synology Products, it will remain enabled even after restoring and upgrade, until it is disabled by applying Disable Telnet patch.

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